That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17
That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17
Class schedule is one night a week. Monday nights, 7:00PM to 9:55PM. At EMI we operate in 3 semesters. Both example of schedule are below.
Example of SCHEDULE:
7:00PM - 7:55PM Intro to Theology
8:00PM - 8:55PM Intro to Ministry (Diaconate)
9:00PM - 9:55PM Christian Ethics
Example of SEMESTER:
September - December
January - March
April - June
Students can withdraw from courses within the first week without academic penalty (reflection of nonpassing grade on transcript). You will receive a “WD” (withdrawn before any work was due).
Students who withdraw after the second week will receive an automatic “I”.
Any student withdrawing from a course(s), with proper permission from the instructor, can expect the following refund policy of EMI tuition:
• Prior to first class: 100%
• At the conclusion of the first session: 50%
• After that time, no fee return
Admission Fee is not refundable
Students will be emailed a list of textbooks required for the semester. Students are responsible in purchasing their own book. If this policy is not adhered to, student will be dropped from enrollment.
It is expected that students attend all the classes for the subject(s), for which they are enrolled. Students are allowed only one (1) unexcused absence per class during semester. More than one unexcused absence will result in forfeiture of a grade for that subject. However, there are justifiable exceptions, such as: serious illness or death in the family. These reasons must be confirmed.
It is the student’s responsibility, if classes are missed, to contact the teacher and to arrange any make-up work that may be required. Students failing to maintain satisfactory attendance will be counseled by the Administration, and an attempt will be made to solve the problem. Continued unsatisfactory attendance will be sufficient grounds for dismissal from the institute. Re-admission may be permitted if the student can satisfy the Administration that the problem has been resolved.
Students that accumulate 4 or more tardiness per class period will be marked as having one (1) unexcused absence. Tardy: 15 minutes late.
Every student must behave as a person transformed by the power of God, demonstrating character and maturity with fellow students, teachers, and the administration. You are not expected to agree with everything that will be taught. But you are expected to treat the views of the instructors and of your fellow students with respect. If you disagree with something that is being taught, you should listen as openly as possible, giving due attention to everything that the Holy Spirit may be trying to say to you.
In assignments, you will be free to express your own views, but you will also be required at times, to show that you understand some alternative view and specifically, to express that different opinion, even it is conflicts with your personal beliefs. Follow the instruction of your teacher in preparing for these assignments. Students are not permitted to negatively criticize fellow students, teachers, and administration.
If a displeasing situation occurs in the classroom, please bring it to the attention of the Administration immediately. Any conflicting situation that occurs within the classroom or outside of it that involves students, teachers or management, shall be notified to the Administration Office immediately. Any student who needs to leave the classroom temporarily (no more than 10 minutes) may do so.
If for some reason you need to take longer, please inform the teacher. Please be honest about your reason, for failure to do so, may affect your attendance. Every student must turn off, or silence his/her cell phone during the study period and avoid possible communication, unless it is an emergency. Every student should take care of the institute furniture and do his/her best to keep it clean and orderly.
• Undisciplined lack of interest in the student’s commitment to his/her studies.
• Failure to comply with the EMI required attendance.
• Noncompliance with the regulations set forth by EMI.
• Any situation or attitude committed by the student(s) that endangers the physical and/or moral integrity of students, teacher, or the administrative body, as well as the private property of the EMI.
• Financial delinquency.
• Excessive tardiness.
• Conduct in or out of the classroom that is inconsistent with the philosophy and goals of the institute.
All students who have met their academic obligations will obtain a diploma. If a student does not comply with the EMI requirements, he/she may not participate in the graduation ceremony.
All students must be up-to-date in with all payments in order to be able to be promoted to the next grade and/or receive a graduation diploma.
If any student has academic honors but are not up-to-date in with all payments, such student will “Not” be able to participate in the graduation nor receive the respective honors, which will be given to the student who has the second highest score.
In the event that neither student meets the requirements, the administration will cancel the corresponding honor.